Many people want to prepare juices as quickly as possible today. We will offer you the best 10 
juices in the fastest time

Every Day Garden Juice

 • 2 leaves Tuscan cabbage 
• 1 stalk broccoli 
• 1/2 yellow squash 
• 1 apple 
• 3 carrots  


1. Wash all the above ingredients thoroughly. 
2. Add juice ingredients through a juicer. Divide among 
2 glasses and serve right away! 
3. This juice contains amazing raw ingredients that our bodies need for optimum health. Enjoy!

Apple and Pumpkin Juice

• 2 medium-sized apples 
• 1 ½ cups mixed berries
• 2 cups pumpkin 
• 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
• 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg

 1. Simply juice apples, berries, and pumpkin. 
2. Then, sprinkle with cinnamon powder and nutmeg. Pour the juice into two glasses and serve immediately. 
3. Inspired by the flavors of autumn, this juice is full of vitamins and minerals. Enjoy!

Refreshing Spicy Juice

• 1 cucumber 
• 1 whole lime 
• 1/4 cup kale leaves
 • 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded
 • 3 celery ribs
 • 1/2 teaspoon allspice
1. Peel cucumber and lime. Transfer them to your juicer along with the remaining ingredients. 
2. Press all ingredients through your juicer. Serve right away with bendy straws and enjoy!

Orange Apple Juice 

• 1 lime, peeled
• 2 oranges, peeled
• 1 Granny Smith apple, quartered 
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, ground
• 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1. Process lime, oranges, and apple through a juicer according to manufacturer's directions.
2. Add cinnamon and cloves and pour into two serving glasses. 
3. This aromatic juice contains an array of delicious ingredients in their natural state. Enjoy!

Spinach and Carrot Delight 

 • 2 handfuls spinach 
• 2 carrots • 1 bunch parsley 
• 2 apples 
1. First of all, wash all ingredients thoroughly. 
2. Add all above ingredients through your juicer and serve. 
3. This green juice is loaded with many important minerals including magnesium, iron, etc

Amazing Pear and Cabbage Juice 

• 1 large-sized green apple, cored 
• 1 pear, cored 
• 1/4 cup cabbage 
• 1 small-sized lime 
• 1/2 teaspoon allspice 
1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly. 
2. Now process all ingredients through a juicer according to manufacturer's recommendations. Divide among 2 glasses and serve with bendy straws.

Great Clean Green 

• 1/2 small-sized head green cabbage 
• 1 pear, cored 
• 1 orange, peeled 
• 6 leaves lettuce 
• 1-inch ginger, peeled 
1. Add all the above ingredients through a juicer. 
2. Serve right away.
 3. This beverage lowers blood pressure and prevents heart diseases.

Kiwi and Apple Treat  

• 2 kiwis, peeled 
• 2 apples, cored and diced 
• 2 large handfuls spinach 
1. Press all ingredients through a juicer according to manufacturer's recommendations. 
2. Serve chilled and enjoy! 
3. The juice speeds up the rate at which you burn calories.

Carrot Fennel Delight 

• 1 carrot 
• 1 fennel 
• 1 pear 
• 2 oranges 
• 1 small-sized handful parsley 
1. Blend carrot, fennel, pear, oranges, and parsley together until you get a smooth juice. 
2. Pour juice into two glasses. Garnish them with orange slices if desired. Enjoy! 
3. This is an easy and simple way for winter body cleansing.

Winter Grapefruit and Fennel Juice 

• 1 grapefruit 
• 1 lime 
• 2 celery ribs 
• 1/2 fennel 
• 1 orange 
• 5 leaves Tuscan cabbage 
• 1 small handful mint 
1. Add all of the above ingredients through a juicer. 
2. Serve and enjoy! 
3. You will punch up your energy levels with this rich vitamin beverage!